General Mental Health Crafting

Here’s a collection of some work-adjacent projects, often undertaken to the humouring eye-rolls of my colleagues.

Sustainability – allplants

Nobody believed me when I said a watermelon carved into a globe would work. Even while I was doing it. I was determined to visualise our food obsessed value in a sustainability image. It was my lifetime achievement at allplants, the CEO has never referenced any of my other projects so consistently. I will never beat it.

Quiz – allplants

When we decided to create a food personality quiz to onboard customers, I offered up myself and my craft knife. Steph, our AD, really had no choice but to accept her boss as a prop maker. We then spent longer than either of us would want to admit choosing the most smug looking bulb of fennel, and discussing whether a cashew or a lychee made the most befitting nose for an adventurous coconut.

Competition – allplants

The golden carrot competition was a very last minute addition to a Veganuary at allplants. As such, I gold leafed it one December midnight and photographed it in 5º in a warehouse with the ever-willing-to-go-along-with-my-nonsense, Valentina.

Pay the Date – allplants

Aliza and her bone folder, me and my paper cutting machine; a match made in heaven for creating daily email assets and social posts for our Pay the Date campaign. Customers paid the pound value of the date throughout January, and we needed a simple memorable assets to remind people to visit the landing page each day. We repeated the gif on the right for all 31 days, building memory structures. The campaign increased CTR from email by 800%…it was definitely the paper engineering.

Studio Sign – Deliveroo

As my parting gift to my wonderful Deliveroo design team I created a 3D paper engineered sign, complete with some of our favourite food items. Ben, the Artwork + Production Manager takes credit for sticking the sesame seeds to the burger bun to stop me flipping the table. Helping me execute my design vision to the very last day ♥️


Le Bon Breton – Packaging